Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baby update

I had my Dr. apointment today and everything is going good. I've gained about 6 lbs and the heartbeat was ~150 bpm. The big ultrasound is November 6th!!!

This past Sunday we went to the Children's Museum with my dad's work. They rent out the museum and haunted house and have a bunch of food, it's great fun.

This coming Sunday Kim, my dad, and I are going to the Colt's game. My dad got suite tickets so i'm super excited. More free food (which is my favorite thing right now because i'm always hungry)!!!


Missy!! said...

Wow I wanna go! :) Always hungry huh? Me too! Perhaps I'm preggo also... I might have to use that for an excuse to my always eating! :)

(Just to clear things up, NO, I"m not pregnant.. just hungry!)

Rajean B. said...

I was wondering there for a moment, Missy!

I'm glad that everything is going well with you pregnancy Chris! Don't worry...the 'hungry all the time' phase will stick with you until you stop nursing...and then it is such a habit, you still keep eating all time! Did Trestin enjoy the haunted house? I remember going in high school and about peeing my pants! Have fun at the Colts game. I'm hoping that I will get to watch it out here in no-man's land.

Missy!! said...

So.... I was at Kohl's today... and I found some really cute things that I bought you... soooo, you really need to have a girl! Because if not, your little boy will look like a girl! :)