Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Sunday, April 6, 2008

1 week down, 3 to go

My first week of 2 jobs actually wasn't too bad. We trained all week on how to grade the tests and on Friday finally got started grading. It's amazing what 8th grade kids can come up with to answer a question about a passage they read. Hopefully the next 3 weeks go good and i'm not too tired during the week.

Now on to more of our house. Today is the front door, stair way, upstairs bath, and guest room.

Our front door

Looking down the stairway
The landing at the top of the stairs
(still needs painted tan to match the stairway)

Trestin's bathroom

The guest room/Kim's "dorm" room


kristen said...

Grading ISTEP tests? I do not envy that job at all! I can't imagine trying to decifer those writing tests. Good luck with that!
That ducky bath mat is adorable!

Christine said...

I'm doing a project for a Florida reading comprehension test. And the handwritting is horrible.